Formatting elements are designed to display special types of texts
<b> defines bold text with no extra importance in it
EX:<b> The bold text</b>
<strong> defines text with strong importance and typically displayed in bold
EX:<strong>This is important</strong>
<i> defines part of a text in an alternative voice or mood and typically displayed italic
EX:<i> this is italic</i>
<em> defines emphasized text and is typically displayed in italic
<em>this is emphazised text</em>
<small> defines smaller text
EX:<small>this is small text</small>
<mark> defines text that should be marked or highlighted
EX: <p> This is the text of <mark> Anahi</mark>. </p>
<del> defines text that has been deleted from a document and will usually strike a line through deleted text
EX:<p>My favorite color is<del>pink</del> purple.</p>
<ins> defines text that has been inserted into a document and will usually be underlined
EX:<p> My favorite color is<del>pink</del> <ins>purple</ins>.</p>
<sub> defines subscript text, appears half a character below normal line in a smaller font like H2O
EX:<p> this is<sub> subscripted</sub> text.</p>
<sup> defines superscript text, appears half a character above normal line in a smaller font like 42
EX:<p>this is <sup>superscripted</sup> text.</p>