The BeDallas90 is an organization that was founded by Dallas Animal Services. The organization rescues animals and keeps them until they are fostered or adopted. On thing I enjoyed about the website was the colors they decided to use on the website. The colors complement each other and they also help with hierarchy in the website. As you scroll down the website the menu bar remains at the top allowing the viewer to easily access the menu. The images they used on the website also had the dark blue in them making the website more cohesive. The illustrations used to separate more subsections are nice because it is clear what the illustrations represents. As soon as you hover over the illustrations more information is given about the section along with a learn more button.
As you scroll down the website there is a section of statistics seen on a blue background. When you scroll in that section the numbers change like crazy until the actual statistic number shows up which is pretty cool. I also think it is interesting how much information the home webpage has. As I continued to scroll it felt like it was the longest homepage I have ever seen in my life. The sections are nice but I think the length could be shorter because it does take a while to scroll up and down the page.